So I have figured it out - even for someone who is generally half okay with computers I had some confusion - but that's just my brain, that's not technology. Just a little thick, I am sometimes. But this is good - practise for my own blog maybe? I have never done a blog before - never couldfigure out if anything in my life was interesting enough, or if I had the discipline to keep up with it. After keeping a journal for everal years, I would have thought that keeping a blog would be the same, but I don't think so. A blog is typically public, I think - it CAN be made private, but I'd rather write something by hand if it's going to br private. If I'm going to the trouble of putting it online, it might as well be something that people can read. So that means it has to be creatively structured to be interesting, not just a bunch of dibble dabble doodle that I usually journal about. Also I can't totally speak my mind or people will find out how insane I am. A blog to me would be more like a work in progress, as for me it would involve a bit more thought, a bit more shaping, a bit more... I dunno, EFFORT so to speak - harder on the brain, so that I could only do so much before my little brain powered out like a pentium II I used to have... But I will give it my best shot. I spent the better part of the afternoon making the cover design and illustration for my blog header today, but havn't actually WRITTEN anything yet!
Don't worry Jess, we are all insane. It's more a matter of finding the one who is least insane...
Posted by: Andy Klimach | 08/04/2011 at 09:28 PM